The world of IT is always changing. New devices are coming out, new software updates are being released, and new inventions are happening every day. Keeping up with everything in the industry can be a difficult task for anyone-especially when you’re an expert! Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone to tell you what’s going on in the industry? Well that’s why we’ve compiled this list of 6 trends that will keep you updated on all things technology!

Cloud Computing

The past few years have seen more companies switching over to cloud computing due to its many benefits including lower costs, increased productivity, easy scalability, etc. This trend shows no signs of slowing down either as nearly 75% percent of large enterprise organizations are currently using cloud computing for their business.

Big Data Analytics

With more and more data being produced every day by businesses, it’s important that we find a way to keep up with the ever-growing amounts of information. Thanks to new technologies such as Hadoop and Splunk, companies can now store massive quantities of structured and unstructured data in just one place! This allows them to analyze all of this information so they can make better decisions faster than ever before.

Virtual Reality

The entertainment industry has been abuzz about virtual reality (VR) since 2012 when Oculus Rift was released on Kickstarter. Since then, VR technology has improved dramatically which is why you’re likely going to see many more people looking into purchasing headsets and other VR equipment.

Machine Learning

The idea of machines being able to teach themselves has been around for a while but it’s only recently that we’ve seen the technology really starting to take off. Machine learning is impacting our world in ways such as self-driving cars and improving search result accuracy on Google, among others! Many companies are now looking into implementing machine learning algorithms in their software so they can also improve performance when processing data or making decisions based on this information.

Blockchain Technology

If you’re like most people then chances are you haven’t heard about blockchain technology yet (we hadn’t either until earlier last year). Blockchain allows decentralized transactions between two parties without any third party having approved them which means no more need for a bank or other financial intermediary to oversee the transaction! Blockchain has been around for about eight years but it’s only recently that people are starting to realize its potential and companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and MasterCard have all jumped on board.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The idea of creating machines that can learn like humans is nothing new-in fact we’ve been thinking about this since before computers even existed! The difference today is that there seems to be more money going into AI research than ever before. Tech giants such as Facebook, Google, Apple and others will continue to invest in this technology which means you’ll soon see chatbots replacing customer service representatives at many businesses!


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future of business. It’s predicted that by 2025, AI will be used in customer service for many companies and will create a more personalized experience for customers. The only question left to ask is: what are you doing about it? If your company doesn’t have an AI strategy yet, this blog post has some tips on how to get started!

Strategies to implement AI in business

Tip #1: Get started with the basics

One of the first steps to implementing AI in your business is research. Find out who else is using AI and which companies are already ahead of you. Some great examples are Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, Tesla etc. These companies have been dominating their industries because they know how to implement new technologies like AI into everyday life!

Tip #2: Plan things out

After familiarizing yourself with these businesses’ strategies for success it’s time to make a plan on what kind of role AI will play within your company (e.g., customer service or marketing). Once this step has been completed you can start looking at different systems/software that will work well for your unique needs and wants from an AI product.  When choosing software think about:

– Pricing

– Functionality  (e.g., what kind of AI is used?)

– How easy it is to use for your employees?

Tip #3: Don’t forget about the legal aspects!

When implementing any new technology, make sure you have a plan on how to deal with all sides of the legal aspect. There will always be privacy concerns and disclosure issues that need to be discussed before adding something like this into your company’s workflow (and yes, even if it is just customer service). This step can appear daunting but there are companies out there who can help answer these questions for you!

Tip #4:  Be practical

Implementing AI in your business is very exciting but it’s also important to stay realistic about what can be accomplished. For example, implementing AI into customer service will not change the way that product development works within a company or how humans currently communicate with each other. Keeping this mindset throughout your implementation process will help you get ahead of the game and most importantly enjoy this technology!